Monday, April 28, 2008

what's going on here?

every once in a while, you read about some guy who raped a 90 year old woman. what they don't tell you is that the rapist is often 95.

now, i know a lot of people (people? as if someone was actually reading this other than the government) are gonna get mad at that line, but remember that nothing is sacred except cows.

i just don't understand how someone could be a criminal. who has the time? it's hard enough being an innocent man. imagine being guilty? just think about how long it takes to think of taking part in a crime. then, what crime to try? certainly not the rape of old women, or old men for that matter. beastiality is frowned upon, and would be tough to explain to my relatives. i could rob someone, but they might fight back.

guess i'll just stick to my current agenda.

now, my point isn't to make light of these heinous acts. no one should be violated. all should feel safe. and yet, who is to say what is really a crime? what of bombing people from 30,000 feet in the air? or shooting a black man on his wedding day? or creating culture that dumbs down the public? or polluting the oceans and air? or making food that causes cancer and heart disease? you likely won't find these crimes on the front page of the paper, because the corporation that owns the paper probably takes part in some of them. so, they keep us focused on the freaks, like the man who thinks he is a dvd player.

has anyone stopped to think that a sick society is more likely to create sick people? that a man raping a woman is more likely to come from a country that rapes other countries? we complain of crime in the streets, but what of the crime of war? shouldn't our young think that violence works? they see the government using it every 2 seconds. they see trigger happy police, and war criminals running the country. a country run by hitlers can't expect to produce a populace of mlk's.

the chickens have already come home.

and they have roosted.

and no one, not even 90 year old women, are safe.

welcome to the beginning.

of the end.

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